#QuickTopic: Never stop talking to your customers

Never stop talking to your customers. … Because if you do, you risk:

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Your Product team risks drifting away from customer needs and ending up with a great product that nobody really needs.

Your Marketing team risks losing touch with the things that set the world in motion for your customer, therefore the ability to talk about those things to your potential new customers, therefore your positioning as industry leader slowly fades away.

Your Sales team risks not getting real, first hand insights about how your key accounts and the roles within may change and evolve, as well as how to adjust your value proposition to actually solve your customer’s problem aka why they are working with you. 

Your company risks becoming very siloed, disjointed and misaligned on what are the actual reasons your business exists. This leads to a risk of losing vision, purpose and direction. And we know what losing those leads to…

Never stop talking to your customers.